Mike's Media LogoUpdates
A:M Files


28th March, 2003

A new animation on the Movies page and a new image on the Stills page - plus some new Work In Progress... Also updated my Links page

25th January, 2003

I'm busy, you know ;-) Added to the Movies page...

25th April, 2002

New look to the site (yay!), updated the Links page, that's about it... :-)

17th October, 2001

Altered email addresses on site, that's all...

16th August, 2001

Look, I'm married, I've got a 2 year-old, a PS2, I just don't get the time anymore ;-) I've added a new picture to the Stills page, it's a piece for the Hash Animation:Master contest, the subject was 'Stereo Image' so you'll need those Red and Green 3D glasses... I've also add the related project file to the A:M Files section for your download and perusal.

3rd April, 2001

Right... After a long break (looking after baby, not doing too much CG), I've updated the site. There's new content in the Stills section, the Movies section and the A:M Files section, which contains all of the projects I've finished recently. Admittedly, that's not many, but you will find a contest entry or two in there - feel free to download and muck around with them. I've also redesigned the site yet again, and I think it will stay like this for a while...

17th December, 2000

Added a new version of RoboShop to the Stills page.

1st October, 2000

Added a new still (of the Earth and Moon) and an updated version of Zoltan to the Stills page, and made their respective project files available in the A:M Files section. Enjoy!

4th August, 2000

Well, personally, I thought the last site revamp sucked. Really. So, I've gone with textual navigation (I mean, we can all do nav buttons, right?), cascading style sheets (IE4+, NS5+ compatible) and a liquid look and feel - try resizing your browser, the contents should all move around smoothly and not look too wierd. Not a single <TABLE> in site!

25th June, 2000

Ok, Ok, babies really do take up a lot of your time.... Is this the longest period of time ever between updates? Quick, call Norris McWhirter, I feel a record coming on! Ah well, the hell with it! A new picture in the Stills page, and a whole new site look. See you next year ;-)

15th May, 1999

Damn, that was a long time between updates... I've been a bit busy with other things (doing the house up, exepcting a baby, work, etc.) so apologies there. Anyway, added a new image to the Stills page, more later.

27th February, 1999

Removed counter from home page after my ISP screwed up the numbers of hits, added myself to the 3D Ring and put a new link on the home page - can you find it?

17th January, 1999

Added a new animation (animated material) to the Movies page, and you can download the project from the Projects page if you do so desire... Also, a new still in the Stills page for you - as always, feedback is appreciated.

14th December, 1998

Added a new, simple animation (I got the Star Wars incentive) to the Movies page, and you can download the project from the Projects page if you do so desire... Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, all of you!

2nd November, 1998

Revamped entire site (but you already know that), and added a couple of new animations and pictures - enjoy!

18th August, 1998

Right, a new animation and still for your viewing pleasure and constructive criticism. He's called Leon2 (apologies to Luc Besson), I think he's not too bad, let me know what you think. You'll find him in the Stills page and the Movies page.

9th August, 1998

New navigation at the side, I think it looks nice... Dammit, must do that PhotoShop resource page as well!

5th July,1998

My sister got married yesterday! Michelle Anne Kingscott married Gavin Jackson at Warnham Church at 3:00pm - it was a fantastic service and a wonderful day! Anyway, updated the page header graphics so the file size is a bit smaller, added my bookmark file back to the links page - it's more current that way, I update my links more often then my underwear! Look for a new page soon on using Photshop with Hash Animation:Master. See ya!

29th June 1998

Another new still in the Stills page, it's just a quick product mock-up and a stab at some photo-realism. Any feedback is, as usual, greatly appreciated.

19th June, 1998

Two new stills in the Stills page, they are of Cool Breeze practising his martial arts on his wooden dummy ("Boards don't hit back"). Go have a look at let me know what you think - cheers!

10th June, 1998

Ok, some more updates... I've added an animation to the Movies page, just a quick flyby utilising Hash's new glowing property, looks kinda nice, and another new pic of Cool Breeze in the Stills page. Some animation of him coming soon (honest!).

6th June, 1998

Well, that's quite a while since a site addtion, my apologies for starting to go stale, but I have been on holiday for a while and moving house straight afterwards. I am writing this in my new study, which is partially unpacked, but we are getting there. Anyway, the update is a new pic in the Stills page, RoboShop going from splineage to full render - it was done using PhotoShop 4.0, it's a bit Mickey Mouse, but I like it!

28th March, 1998

Bit of a major revamp to the site. I've changed the text on the main page, added 'Home' to the navigation panel and moved the 'Updated...' link into the nav panel (but you knew that, seeing as you're here). The most important change, however, is the addition of the 'Resources' section. In there you will find some brand new reference images of humans (called rotoscopes around these parts), tutorial and the ubiquitous links page (also updated). I hope you find the section useful, I will be adding more to it in the future, such as another tutorial. Incidentally, I hope people will wonder what 'G.O.R.' stands for and visit the page - please do.

19th March, 1998

Added an animation to the Movies page - Cool Breeze doing his warm up stretch. All I need to do now is animate him performing all the martial arts moves I couldn't, and I'll be happy.

20th February, 1998

Added a piccy to the Stills page, something I'm working on for Tony Albasch's Animation:Master:Brawl! project. The character is called Cool Breeze, and he's the one in the blue. Go and have a look, if you like.

13th February, 1998

Well, the small project mentioned below is completed for the time being, you can go and have a look at it in the Movies page. Also updated my bookmarks and added a link to Zero's 3D Ark - go see it, its The Web's #1 Resource for 3d CGI - and you'd better believe it!

13th February, 1998

Added a new rough cut animation to the Movies page - just a small project I have on the go at the moment. You don't need a Movies page ticket, just click here.

20th December, 1997

Added a new image to the Stills page, quite nice and an experiment in realistic looking snow (you just know it's got to have a Christmas theme at this time of year! ). Go have a look.

29th November, 1997

Added a new page for animated gifs - don't worry, they don't all load at once, it's a thumbnail thing. Also copyrighted my site (look beneath the horizontal rule at the bottom of the page) and updated the 'Welcome...' logo on the main page. I'll be updating the rest of the site's images shortly.

26th November, 1997

Oh no! Finally succumbed to putting a counter on my page. I'll have to start visiting the site at work to make the count look better . . . Check back for a new page coming soon (probably this weekend).

23rd November, 1997

Changed the welcoming text on main page, and added the Internet Explorer button. As always, please email me if anything is a bit odd.

14th October, 1997

Yet another new still in my Stills page - it's called 'Party Animal'. Have a look ! As before, please email me if anything is a bit odd.

7th October, 1997

Phew! You wait months for a site update and then two come along at the same time! Anyway, added a link to my sunflower tutorial to the contents page (hey, I'm proud of it) and changed the way the links page works.

5th October, 1997

Well, a while since my last update, but I've been busy - getting married ! I got married to Jacqueline Karen Atkins on the 13th September, 1997 and have just returned from my honeymoon in Canada. Anyway, the site's update is a new image in the Stills page, as a result of me belonging to Zero's Model of the Month Club (MOMO). As the name implies, every month, you do a new model - it's a great way to add to your portfolio. More information on MOMO (and a whole lot more besides) can be found at Zero's excellent 3D Ark - also, that's where you'll find a sunflower modelling tutorial for Martin Hash 3D Animation written by yours truly (that's also why it's been a while since the last update). Future plans include a few more character animations and the addition of my animated GIFs from work (the hell with company policy).

26th July, 1997

Added a new page called 'Movies page' for my animations. It only contains one at the moment, but I will be adding more. Removed the quote from the Garden of Rememberance, just didn't look right. Changed my email address as well as asked by my ISP - something to do with accurate geographical location reflection. Whew!

14th June, 1997

Added a few new pictures to the Stills page (they're at the top), removed the spinning logo and replaced with a static one (personal choice), and added a quote to the Garden of Rememberance. Soon to have an animation, I reckon.

1st May, 1997

Wow, finally got round to revamping my site. Using frames now, just as an experiment, see how things go. Also, a new MAK Visuals logo!

14th December, 1996

Whole site is new ! Everything should work OK, but please email me if you find anything screwy - apart from content, that is.

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